

Apex Design Services LLC is presently is actively engaged within the automotive, consumer product, and medical fields. We have enjoyed many years within the automotive and consumer product area and have recently begun to partner with well established firms within the growing medical industry.
For over 15 years Apex Design Services has been part of the automotive and consumer product field. We have focused on plastic, injection molded, interior and exterior trim including, hard and soft trim and exterior mirrors and ornamentation. The firm is also experienced in developing casted and machined parts within specialized, niche, markets.
At Apex, we have begun to realize that our extensive knowledge base and tools could lend itself very well into the medical area as well. The need for precision made, custom medial instruments and prosthetics has never been greater! Our firm is positioned perfectly to provide our clients a low cost, flexible, design resource to use in conjunction with or in absence of in-house design engineering resources.
If you are in need of any the services mentioned please contact Apex Design Services today, we look forward to working with you on your next project or product!


  • Auto Aftermarket